torsdag 23 september 2010

Texter från boken och bilder från våran första resa -99

"Love is to treasure
Love is a gift
Laughter is to make our soul to lift"
//Sam från scotland

"how much love can you give, will you give haow long"
//Martin från england

"Ships are safe in the harbour but that´s not what the ship´s were built for"
"If life gives you a lemon, make lemonade"
"the soul can only listen i scilence"
//Carolyn från Texas

"Dear Anni, you are a good friend od us, that is why everybody likes you.
But you must be careful about your life and dont forget us at Gili Air.
Life is dangerous
Love is pure
Pure is gold
Gold is yellow
Yellow is shit is shit"
//Eddy från Gili Air

"Life is just once
I knnow how lucky you are but sometimes yopu make it to hard.
Take your time, and just make it easy. Many nice things will come
 to you in the life.
I am sure that happines will be yours"
//Gede från Lombok

"främling va däljer du för mig, i ditt bruna öga. En svag nyans av skit nånstans, men ändå.
Spräckte din skita och spruta min vita på dej"
//Jesse från Göteborg

"May the road rise up and meet you and the wind always be at your back"
See you later Skippy
//Gary och Liz från Rotorua New Zealand

"It was so nice sharing time with you in Gili Air. I like your lovely speking !!
//Katsura från Japan

"Keep smiling with your eyes"
// Dave från Chicago

"Remeber to take care of your life and keep in mind:
Fill your days with life, not your life with days"
"And it´s important to knoe that the sun always shines even when its cloudy"
"Life is a party, make sure to get invited"
//Liian från sverige

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